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Horror; ; release date=2019; Cast=Antonia San Juan; El hoyo is a movie starring Ivan Massagué, Zorion Eguileor, and Antonia San Juan. A vertical prison with one cell per level. Two people per cell. One only food platform and two minutes per day to feed from up to down. An endless; duration=1 H 34M.

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Horror Cast - Emilio Buale 2019 107227 vote description - El hoyo is a movie starring Ivan Massagué, Zorion Eguileor, and Antonia San Juan. A vertical prison with one cell per level. Two people per cell. One only food platform and two minutes per day to feed from up to down. An endless.

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Rated 5.0/5 based on 427 customer reviews

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David Desola. Tomatometers: 7,6 of 10. . Country: Spain. rating: 107226 Votes. Duration: 1 H 34 M. Hullett house. Hullet fifa. Huletts landing ny. Hullet road. Hulett ore unloader. Bullet for my valentine. Hullet netflix. Bullet force. Hulkette.

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Hullet near me. Bullet journal. Hullet south africa. I"ve been hearing great things about The Platform for months after Netflix provided screeners to select critics last fall and buzz started ramping up. For Netflix, which normally doesn"t produce high quality film (although they consistently put out great TV) The Platform is quite good. I was expecting more out of the ending but the more low-key finale wasn"t bad either. It"s an interesting combination of The Raid & Snowpiercer but on a smaller scale, and with just as much to say about class and our current world. Perhaps a little too gory at times, but The Platform is a solid watch.

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Not for me. I love a good dystopian thriller and horror but this was quite a fail. It started off pretty well and then just tanked altogether. I zoned out at around 40 minutes. It"s one of those try-hard, gory, unnecessarily violent and disgusting types of movies, so if you"re more into well done mysteries, thrillers and suspense, this will most likely not sit well with you either.

Hulett wyoming. Movie was in Spanish with English subtitles. Setting was a prison where the main character was spending 6 months in order to receive a college diploma. Prison was made up of vertical levels with opening in the middle of each level in which food was lowered. Great sci-fit movie. The Platform is the screen equivalent of Blue-Balls. As a prison dumb-waiter.
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Horror. Duration - 1Hour 34 Min. . Average Ratings - 7,6 / 10. Pedro Rivero. Zorion Eguileor. El hoyo. El hoyo azul. El hoyo trailer. El homo. El hoyo baharat. El hoyo mensaje. El hoyo movie. El hoyo 2019. El hoyo trailer english. El homo economicus. El hoyo meaning. El hoyo final. El hoyo rotten tomatoes.

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El hoyo del diablo dominicana. El hoyo. El hoyo ost. El honoré. El hoyo csfd. El hoyo negro en el espacio. El honor. El hoyo trailer netflix. El hoyo critica. El hoyo mario suarez. El hoyo review. El hoyo pelicula completa. This is a horror movie steeped in metaphor and seems created to explore the question "what does it take to get humans to cooperate together"
But while this movie effectively paints the atmosphere and concepts with broad brush strokes
there are too many details missing for this movie to be elevated from "interesting" to "masterful.
For the other reviewer"s who seem to view this movie as an indictment of capitalism, I think they are viewing this movie through their own bias. It"s not that they are wrong, it"s just that they missed the commentary on socialism/communism as well. Ultimately, I think that"s the problem I have with the movie: it introduces these big concepts, and challenges the audience to explore the ramifications, but is inconsistent and his point of view and never draws any satisfying conclusions.

El hoyo explicacion final. El hoyo pelicula significado. El hoyo explicacion. El hoyo in english. El hoyo pelicula completa español. El hoyo monitor fantasma. El hoyo online. El hoyo final explicado. I can"t believe all the good ratings. I watched the movie before I saw the ratings thinking that at 7 out of ten stars should be a decent movie. It caught my attention the first 15 minutes. After that I wanted to stop the movie. I kept watching it till the end just to see where it was going. The movie went from disturbing to very disturbing. In a filthy, gross way. Do not make popcorn or plan on eating while watching this movie. You"re gonna vomit.
This movie is good to watch as much as vomit is tasty. It"s a feel bad kind of movie. The people who find it thought provoking in a good way must have great imagination. I watch movies to entertain myself. If I learn something, great. If it makes me think, awsome. This movie has no plot, it"s full of holes, disgusting, disturbing to watch and makes no sense. I dare you to watch it till the end. You"ll probably not. If you don"t like the first 30 minutes, put on a good movie. This one only gets worse.

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